Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

Date Sort ascending Title Organization Documents
IWTU Status DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Y-12 Nuclear Criticality Safety Program DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
NA-1 Periodic Briefing DOE Attendee List.pdf
ECA Meeting with DNFSB Energy Communities Alliance Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
NNSA Safety Roadmap DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
SRS H-Canyon Exhaust Tunnel Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf
Carlsbad Field Office Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
NA-1 Periodic Briefing DOE Attendee List.pdf
Los Alamos Study Group Briefing Los Alamos Study Group Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
EM-1 Periodic Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf