Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

Date Sort ascending Title Organization Documents
EM-1 Periodic Discussion DOE Attendee List.pdf
FY20 Nuclear Criticality Safety Programs DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Status of SAFER Project DOE Attendee List.pdf
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability Virtual Meeting with DNFSB ANA Attendee List.pdf
Status of Savannah River Site Building 235-F DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Y-12 Nuclear Criticality Safety (NCS) Program and Disciplined Operations DOE Attendee List.pdf
Status of DOE/NNSA 2019-1 Implementation Plan DOE Attendee List.pdf
EM-1 Periodic Discussion DOE Attendee List.pdf
Office of Enterprise Assessments Periodic Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf
Annual Nuclear Criticality Safety Programs for Fiscal Year 2019 DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf