
Letters and Correspondence

All letters sent between the Board and the Department of Energy, as well as between the Board and other entities is considered Letters and Correspondence.


Reports produced by the Board include Resident Inspector Reports, Monthly Site Reports, Technical Reports, Staff Issue Reports, and Reports to Congress.  All Reports with the exception of Resident Inspector Weekly Reports and Reports to Congress are published as Letters to the Department of Energy.  Reports to Congress are sent as Letters, so they also can be found in Letters and Correspondence.

Note: On October 17, 2016, the Board voted (notational vote #2017-300-003) to change the name of its on-site staff at the Department of Energy’s defense nuclear facilities to resident inspectors. Formerly known as site representatives, the new nomenclature more closely aligns the Board’s enabling statute (42 U.S.C., sec. 2286 et seq). There are no new authorities or responsibilities associated with the name change.

Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

The Board receives briefs from outside organizations, including the Department of Energy, to ensure the continuous flow of information in safety matters at the Department of Energy’s defense nuclear facilities . The information included in this section is neither affiliated with nor endorsed by the Board. The information is provided with the express written consent of the presenting organization.

Agreements with the Department of Energy

Memorandums of understanding between the U.S. Department of Energy and Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board.