At DNFSB, we believe that commitment to equal opportunity, diversity, equity, and inclusion is key to promoting our capacity to serve and protect people with different experiences or backgrounds, enhance our ability to be receptive to different traditions and ideas, and support the principles of a meri-based civil service.
We recognize that increased creativity is a byproduct of capitalizing on our differences and seek to cultivate inclusion in all aspect of our operations. We believe effective diversity management coupled with inclusive work environments improves organizational performance and innovation are catalyst for a better return on investment in human capital.
We value the varied backgrounds of all DNFSB’s employees. We appreciate employee perspectives, ideas, and solutions challenge the status quo, result in new products and services, or bring about new collaborative efforts. We seek to foster a diverse and fair environment that is inclusive to all.
2021 DEIA Strategic Plan and DNFSB’s 2021-2025 DE&I plan
Federal Policy and Resources