Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

Date Sort ascending Title Organization Documents
EM-1 Periodic Discussion DOE Attendee List.pdf
SRS Bldg. 235-F Annual Report DOE Presentation.pdf
SRS Bldg. 235-F Annual Report DOE Attendee List.pdf
LANL Glovebox Integrity Program DOE Attendee List.pdf
Independent Assessment of DOE Contractors' Management of Safety Issues DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Path Forward for the Revision of Order 425.1D DOE Attendee List.pdf
Annual Nuclear Criticality Safety Metrics Briefing DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf , Presentation 2.pdf
DOE Order 251.1 DOE Attendee List.pdf
NNSS Safety Basis Quality DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Hanford 242-A Evaporator Semi-Annual Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf