Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

Date Sort ascending Title Organization Documents
DOE/NNSA Implementation Plan to address DNFSB Recommendation 2019-1 DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Deputy Secretary of Energy Briefing DOE Attendee List.pdf
Quarterly Discussion with EM-1 DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
NNSS Radioactive Waste Facilities Safety Basis DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Quarterly Discussion with NNSA Administrator DOE Attendee List.pdf
Introduction to the Secretary of Energy DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Safely Managing Nitrates Waste Across the Complex DOE Attendee List.pdf
NNSA Briefing on DOE STD 5506 DOE Attendee List.pdf , NNSA Presentation.pdf , Presentation.pdf
NNSA Introductory Discussion DOE Attendee List.pdf
Pantex Conduct of Operations DOE Attendee List.pdf