Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

Date Sort ascending Title Organization Documents
Relationship with DNFSB DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
EM-1 Periodic Discussion DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
NA-1 Periodic Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Annual Nuclear Criticality Safety Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
RANT Seismic Design and Safety Controls DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
EA Senior Leadership Transition and Emergency Management Activities DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Governance of the EP&R Enterprise DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
CDNS Biennial Review of LAFO DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Periodic Update to Recommendation 2014-1 Implementation Plan DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
RANT DSA Briefing DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf