Outside Organization Briefs Presented to the Board

Date Sort ascending Title Organization Documents
Alliance for Nuclear Accountability DC Days Discussion Alliance for Nuclear Accountability Attendee List (1).pdf
Criticality Safety Support Group DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
Nuclear Criticality Safety Metrics DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Y-12 Reactive Materials DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Meet and Greet with Jim McConnell and Ahmad Al-Daouk DOE Attendee List.pdf
Periodic Discussion with EM-1 DOE Attendee List.pdf
Tank Side Cesium Removal (TSCR) System DOE Agenda.pdf , Attendee List.pdf
NCERC NCS Program DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Savannah River Site Tritium Stack Release DOE Attendee List.pdf , Presentation.pdf
Pantex Safety Initiatives DOE Attendee List.pdf