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2010-06-30 DOE Letter Providing the Office of Environmental Management's Response to the Board's Letter Inquiring about DOE Facilities that Exceed the Department Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-30 DOE Letter Transmitting the Results of Analysis of the Structural Steel Design of Several Facilities at the WTP Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-28 FY2009 Annual Report to Congress on DOE's Activities Relating to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-25 EM Active Confinement System Upgrade Team Review Report and Recommendations Committed to in the December 31, 2009 EM Letter to the Board Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-25 DOE Letter Transmitting the Office of Science's Response Regarding What Facilities It Manages with Ragard to DOE-STD-3009 Implementation Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-25 DOE Letter Regarding Actions Taken to Address Deficiencies Found in Work Planning and Control at ORP as Described in the Board's Letter of March 12, 2010 Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-25 DOE Letter Regarding DOE's Activities with High Speed Tank Inspection Techniques in Response to the Board's Letter Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-18 DOE Letter Transmitting Revised Project Management Plan to Implement the DOE's 2010 Safety and Security Reform Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-18 DOE Letter Transmitting Formal Notice of Completion of Two Commitments for Recommendation 2009-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-18 DOE Letter Transmitting Peer Review of Waste Treatment Plant Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Events in Piping and Vessels Conducted through the DOE's Risk Assessment Technical Experts Working Group Letter PDF iconPDF