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2010-07-29 DOE Letter Responding to the Board's Letter Regarding Preserving Information Associated with an Ongoing Board Investigation Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-27 Request to Ensure that Material Information is Preserved from Alteration or Destruction so that the Board has the Opportunity to Exercise its Statutory Investigative Authority Concerning Health and Safety Concerns at WTP, Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-27 Request to Ensure that Material Information is Preserved from Alteration or Destruction so that the Board has the Opportunity to Exercise its Statutory Investigative Authority Concerning Health and Safety Concerns at WTP, Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-27 Request to Ensure that Material Information is Preserved from Alteration or Destruction so that the Board has the Opportunity to Exercise its Statutory Investigative Authority Concerning Health and Safety Concerns at WTP, Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-26 Recognition of Mr. John A. Krepps of the Los Alamos Site Office - Honored as the 2009 Department of Energy (DOE) Facility Representative of the Year Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-16 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement to DOE for a Report and Briefing within 90 Days Detailing Corrective Actions to Bring Savannah River's Procedures into Compliance with the Requirements of Part 830 Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-16 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement to DOE for a Report and Briefing within 90 Days Detailing Corrective Actions to Bring Savannah River's Procedures into Compliance with the Requirements of Part 830 Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-16 Hydrogen in Pipes and Ancillary Vessels (HPAV) Independent Review Team (HIRT) Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-16 Recognition of Mr. Michael J. McAnulty of the Idaho Operations Office - Honored with 2009 Department of Energy (DOE) Safety System Oversight Annual Award Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-14 Board Forwards Citizen Action New Mexico Document "Before the Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board Citizen Action New Mexico Presentation" on Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF