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2013-11-21 DOE Response to August 26, 2013, Board Letter also enclosing "Open Issues with the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) Safety Basis" Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-11-08 Board Letter Concerning the Transuranic Waste Processing Center Sludge Processing Facility Buildouts (SL-PFB) Project at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-23 Board Annual Criticality Report Letter Modifying the Reporting Requirement Established for Closure of Recommendation 97-2, Continuation of Criticality Safety at Defense Nuclear Facilities in the DOE Complex Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-23 Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance letter and newsletter Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-17 Board Closes Recommendation 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-11 DOE Informs the Board that all but one of the Remaining Actions to Complete the Environmental Management Portion of the Recommendation 2000-1 Implementation Plan (IP) are Complete Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-04 Letter from Dr. Anthony Wise, Dr. Chris Whaley Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-04 DOE Safety Conscious Work Environment (SWCE) Assessment Reports for NNSA Federal and Contractor Organizations, as Required by Action 2-5 of the DOE Implementation Plan (IP) for Board Recommendation 2011-1 Letter
2013-10-04 DOE Safety Conscious Work Environment (SCWE) Assessment Reports for the National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA) Federal and Contractor Organizations, as Required by Action 2-5 Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-10-01 DOE Safety Conscious Work Environment (SCWE) Self Assessment Reports for the Office of Science (SC) as Required by Action 2-5 of the DOE's Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2011-1 Letter PDF iconPDF