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2013-09-03 Board Recognizes that Mr. Ron L. Alderson of the Nevada Field Office was recently Honored as the Recipient of the 2012 DOE Safety System Oversight Annual Award Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-08-29 DOE Transmittal of Deliverable 3-4 of the Implementation Plan (IP) for Board Recommendation 2012-1, Savannah River Site Building 235-F Safety Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-08-21 DOE Proposal to Close Recommendation 2002-3, Requirements for the Design, Implementation, and Maintenance of Administrative Controls Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-08-15 DOE Responses Regarding Criticality Safety Controls at Los Alamos National Laboratory Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-08-01 DOE’s Expected Completion Date of Action 1-6 in the Implementation Plan (IP) for Board Recommendation 2011-1, Safety Culture at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant, is now June 2014 Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-07-24 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement Describing the Actions DOE will take to meet the Commitments of its Implementation Plan (IP) for Recommendation 2010-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-07-17 Board Accepts the DOE's 2012-2 Implementation Plan Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-07-17 Board Response to DOE March 27, 2013, Letter Regarding Public and Worker Protection for a Seismic Collapse Scenario at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility (PF-4) Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-07-17 DOE Implemntation Plan Approval Letter PDF iconPDF
2013-07-15 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement that Provides the Schedule for Completing a Revised Recommendation 2010-2 Implementation Plan Letter PDF iconPDF