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2014-05-16 Board Letter Regarding the State of Operations at Savannah River Site (SRS) Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-05-16 Board Letter Regarding Criticality Safety at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-05-02 Board Summary of Sludge Treatment Project Final Design and Safety Basis Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-05-01 Closure Letter for Recommendation 2004-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-04-30 Y-12 and Pantex M&O Contract Transition [2014-057] Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-04-28 DOE Response to Board Concerns Regarding the Design of the Slurry Transport System in the Pretreatment Facility of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) at the Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-04-23 Board Closes the Remaining Issue Concerning the Preliminary Design and Safety Basis for Phase I of the Sludge Treatment Project (STP) Richland Operations Office (RL) Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-04-21 Board Letter Regarding the Integration of Safety into the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) Design and Validation of Structural Modeling Assumptions for Analyses and Design of the UPF Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-04-04 Board Reporting Requirement for a Briefing on the Actions Identified to Improve the Process to Revise, Update, and Improve the DOE Directives and Technical Standards of Interest to the Board Letter
2014-04-04 DOE Response to Board March 12, 2014, Letter Advising DOE to Thoroughly Evaluate the Ventilation System, Safety Controls and Contingency Plans at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) to Ensure Adequate Protection of the Workers and the Public Letter PDF iconPDF