
Start Date Sort ascending Title Document Type Document
2009-06-10 Congratulations, Introduction and Forwarding of 3/23/2009 letter to Secretary Steven Chu to Under Secretary Kristina M. Johnson Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-06-03 Congratulations to Mr. Stanley Watkins on receiving the 2008 DOE Facility Representative of the Year Award Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-06-01 DOE Response to Board Concerns on Work Planning and Control Implementation and Oversight at the Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office (EM-NSPD-09-045) Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-05-18 DOE Letter Identifying Actions to Improve the Storage of Pu-238 at LANL; Encloses April 27, 2009 Letter Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-05-11 DOE Letter Acknowledging Concerns Identified in the Board's March 23, 2009, Letter to the Secretary Regarding Operational and Institutional Issues Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-28 DOE Congressional Certification Plan for Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-28 Board Closes Recommendation 94-1, Considers 94-1 Superceded by Recommendation 2000-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-22 NNSA Progress Report on the Implementation of DOE O 210.2, DOE Corporate Operating Experience Program, for Calendar Year 2008 Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-21 DOE Letter Responding to Board Staff Letters Dated March 4, 2009 and March 30, 2009, Regarding CMRR Board Certification. Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-21 DOE Letter Responding to Board Saff Letter Dated March 16, 2009, re: PDSA and Safety Strategy - Inadequate Identification of Safety-Related Controls, Functional Requirements, and Performance Criteria Letter PDF iconPDF