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2009-08-26 Finding 2 Under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Board Staff has Reviewed Design Data for the Los Alamos CMRR Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-08-26 Finding 1 Under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Board Staff has Reviewed Design Data for the Los Alamos CMRR Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-08-26 Finding 4 Under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Board Staff has Reviewed Design Data for the Los Alamos CMRR Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-08-25 Topics for September 29, 2009 Public Meeting on Implementation of Board Recommendation 2004-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-08-14 Savannah River Remediation's Performance Goals Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-08-10 Expressing concern about a Chairman nominee to replace Dr. A.J. Eggenberger with demonstrated competence and knowledge relevant to the independent investigative and oversight functions of the Board Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-07-29 Current Status of the Board's Concerns on Action Plans to Improve Both Federal and Contractor Handling of SNL-NM Safety Bases Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-07-29 DOE Report on Actions to be Taken to Complete Recommendation 2004-2 Deliverables and Remediate Deviations from DOE's Ventilation System Evaluation Guidance Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-07-28 Deficiencies in the Vault Water Bath System at Los Alamos National Laboratory Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-07-28 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Briefing in October, 2009, on Modification or Upgrades Planned for the Fire Suppression System to Provide Safety-Related Function at the Device Assembly Facility, Nevada Test Site Letter PDF iconPDF