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2009-01-23 DOE Letter Reporting the Closure of the Electrical Safety Issues at the Plutonium Finishing Plant and at Hanford Tank Farms, Identified in Board Letter of September 17, 2008 Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-16 Board Staff Request under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Finding Title: Seismic Design of Active Confinement Ventilation System and Support Systems Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-16 Board Staff Request under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Finding Title: CMRR Seismic Design Issues Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-13 Board Issues Reporting Requirement for DOE to Submit Deliverables within 90 days for Recommendation 2004-2 Implementation Plan Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-13 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement to Supplement DOE's 2008 Nuclear Criticality Safety Annual Report Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-12 Waste Solidification Building Project Summary, Savannah River Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-08 Fire Protection Coating on Structural Steel Used in the Construction of the Hanford Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant, Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-12-22 DOE Notification to Board of Completion of Commitments 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.2.3, and 5.5.2 in the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2007-01, dated October 24,2007 Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-12-22 DOE Safety Software Central Registry and Communication Portal Management Plan Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-11-12 DOE Final National Nuclear Security Administration Response to Commitment 22D of Implementation Plan to Improve Oversight of Nuclear Operations, dated October 2006 Letter PDF iconPDF