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1996-05-15 Trip Report - Safety and Authorization Basis Review at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, May 23, 1996 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-05-15 Trip Report - Review of Safety and Authorization Basis Issues at Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, April 22-26, 1996 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-05-08 Report on the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Annual Emergency Preparedness Exercise, READY- 96 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-04-29 Hanford Site - Review of the Status of the Spent Nuclear Fuel Project - Trip Report (April 15-17, 1996) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-04-19 Review of the Department of Energy's Operational Readiness Review of High-Level Liquid Waste Evaporator at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant, Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, April 1-4, 1996 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-04-19 Y-12 Plant (Y-12) - Review of Resumption of the Disassembly and Assembly (D&A) Mission Area Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-04-15 Safety of HEPA Filter Units in Hanford B-Plant Exhaust Ventilation System Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-04-03 Staff Review of Y-12's Criticality Safety Approvals in Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Processing Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-03-28 Trip Report - Review of Hanford Tank Safety Issues February 21-22, 1996 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1996-03-27 Revalidation for the Nuclear Explosive Safety Studies of B61- 3/4/10 Operations at the Department of Energy (DOE) Pantex Plant Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF