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2011-05-06 DOE Follow-Up to the November 23, 2010, Letter Regarding the Inclusion of Facility Defense-in-Depth Controls within Documented Safety Analyses at the Savannah River Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-05-03 DOE Response to Board February 4, 2011, Letter Regarding Storage of Non-MAA Material at the Y-12 National Security Complex Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-05-02 DOE Update to the Board on Two Quality Assurance Related Activities within DOE/EM: Suspect/Counterfeit and Quality Requirement Flow Down Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-29 DOE Deliverable 5.4.3 for the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-27 Board Finds February 28, 2011, DOE Letter a Partial Rejection of Recommendation 2010-1 and Reaffirms Recommendation as Detailed within Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-22 DOE Response to February 28, 2011, Board Letter to the Secretary, Expressing Concerns about the Lack of Viable Disposition Paths for Fissile Materials and other DOE Excess Nuclear Materials Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-21 DOE Deliverable 5.5.1 for the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2008-1, Safety Classification of Fire Protection Systems Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-18 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated February 15, 2002, Regarding the Planned Multi-Canister Overpacks Welding at the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-06 FY 2011 NARA Records Management Self-Assessment Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-05 WTP Spray Leak Methodology Letter PDF iconPDF