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2011-09-30 DOE Approval of the Documented Safety Analysis (DSA) for the Hanford Tank Farms is Now Projected for the End of November 2011 Instead of the End of September 2011 as Previously Communicated via DOE July 25, 2011, Letter to Board Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-30 DOE Response to Board's August 3, 2011, Letter which Issued a Reporting Requirement, Citing a 45-Day Delay Until November 14, 2011, for the Requested Report on Pretreatment Facility Process Vessels at WTP, Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-29 DOE Letter Informing the Board that the DOE Will Require Until November 15, 2011, to Complete Deliverable 5.2.3 of the Implementation Plan (IP) for Recommendation 2009-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility Seismic Safety Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-28 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated March 30, 2011, Concerning Washington River Protection Solutions, LLC, Improvements in Conduct of Operations Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-26 DOE Letter Forwarding the Implementation Plan for the Board's Recommendation 2010-1, Safety Analysis Requirements for Defining Adequate Protection for the Public and the Workers Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-23 DOE Letter Informing the Board that DOE is Taking an Extension of 45 days to Prepare the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2010-2, Pulse Jet Mixing at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-19 DOE Response to Board August 12, 2011, Letter Requesting Clarification on Four Areas Identified in the Original June 30, 2011, Response to Recommendation 2011-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-19 DOE September 19, 2011, Letter Forwarding the DOE Report "Review of Requirements and Capabilities for Analyzing and Responding to Beyond Design Basis Events" Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-06 Government Accountability Office (GAO) Notification to Board of Upcoming Review of DOE's Management of the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) at the Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-09-02 Board Response to April 21, 2011, Letter Regarding Safe Operation of the Annular Core Research Reactor (ACRR) at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) and Regulatory Compliance Issues Related to Engineered Storage Silos at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF