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2012-06-26 DOE Response to Board Letter of February 28, 2012, which Issued a Reporting Requirement Concerning the NNSA’s Plans to Review the Accident Analyses, Modify the DSA, and Evaluate the Reliability of Controls for the Annular Core Research Reactor at SNL Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-06-25 DOE Response to Board Letter of December 29, 2011, which Issued a Reporting Requirement Concerning Activity-Level Work Planning and Control at the Y-12 National Security Complex Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-06-19 Acknowledgement of Board June 1, 2012, Letter Concerning Clarification of Scope of Committee's Report Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-06-14 The Board is Pleased to Recognize that Ms. Elaine N. Diaz of the Hanford Site Office of River Protection was Recently Honored as the Winner of the 2011 DOE Safety System Oversight Annual Award Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-06-11 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Report Identifying Actions Taken or Planned by the NNSA to Resolve Safety Issues Relating to the Transuranic Waste Facility (TWF) Project at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-06-11 The Board is Pleased to Recognize that Mr. Bradley J. Davis of the Idaho Operations Office was Recently Honored as the 2011 DOE Facility Representative of the Year Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-06-01 Board Letter of Appreciation to Dr. Charles V. Shank, for Time Spent with the Board on April 19, 2012, to Clarify the Committee's Phase I Report "Managing for High-Quality Science and Engineering at the NNSA" Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-05-30 DOE Response to Board March 27, 2012, Letter which Issued a Reporting Requirement Concerning the Review of A- and K-Area Fire Water Supplies, Savannah River Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-05-29 DOE Transmittal of Deliverable of the Implementation Plan for Board Recommendation 2010-2, Pulse Jet Mixing at the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-05-29 DOE Transmittal of Deliverable of the Implementation Plan (IP) for Recommendation 2010-2, Pulse Jet Mixing at the Waste Immobilization and Treatment Plant (WTP) Letter PDF iconPDF