
Within the DOE complex, there are several aging defense nuclear facilities that are at or near the end of life. DOE continues to rely on these facilities to carry out national security or legacy waste cleanup missions.

Correspondence, reports, and recommendations related to aging defense nuclear facilities.

Confinements systems are the structures, systems, and components that prevent the release of radioactive materials.

Correspondence, reports, and recommendations related to the safety and adequacy of confinement ventilation systems at defense nuclear facilities.

The process of taking an active, excess, or abandoned facility to a final disposition end state. This may include facility shutdown, interim isolation decontamination, removal of equipment/systems and final demolition.

Correspondence, reports and recommendations related to the safety of deactivation and decommissioning (D&D) plans, D&D construction project reviews and DOE safety related directives addressing D&D.

Design and construction activities for defense nuclear facilities are completed in accordance with DOE Order 433.3B, Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets.

Correspondence, reports, and recommendations related to the safety of DOE nuclear facility design and construction activities.