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1994-12-01 Nuclear Explosive Safety Studies (NESS) and Nuclear Explosive Risk Assessments (NERA) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-29 Savannah River Site - Waste Management Review Trip Report (October 18-21, 1994) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-28 Hanford Systems Engineering Review, October 24 - 27, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-23 Savannah River Site (SRS) - In-Tank Precipitation (ITP) and Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) Safety Envelope Review Trip Report (November 1-4, 1994) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-23 Hanford - Review of Preparations to Install K-Basin Chute Barriers Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-17 Trip Report - Review of Hanford Site High-Level Waste Tank Safety and Characterization, October 24-27, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-14 Backup Power Working Group Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Trip Report for October 18-20, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-09 Status of Implementation of Department of Energy (DOE) Requirements for Radiological Protection, Formality of Operations and Training at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-04 Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) - Review of Chemistry and Metallurgy Research (CMR) Facility Hot Cell Upgrades and the Fire Resistant Pit (FRP) Test Program Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF
1994-11-02 Trip Report - Review of Plutonium Metal Repackaging and Plutonium Solution Stabilization at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, October 3-5, 1994 Staff Issue Report PDF iconPDF