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1998-09-02 Quarterly Progress Report per the 94-3 Implementation Plan Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-31 DOE Forwards Response to Issues Raised in a Board Staff Issue Report Concerning the Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Review at the Hanford Side Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-24 DOE Forwards a Report Concerning the Americium and Curium Stabilization Program Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-20 DOE Forwards July 1998 Deliverables per the 94-4 Implementation Plan Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-19 DOE Memorandum forwarding the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Defining Funding Arrangements for Ensuring that the 97-2 Implementation Plan Commitments are Satisfied Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-18 DOE Forwards Occurrence Reports Related to Inadequate Work Controls at the Y-12 Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-14 DOE Response to a May 14, 1998, Letter Requesting Information to Assist in Preparing a Report to Congress on Evaluations and Assessment of Proposals to Externally Regulate Its Defense Nuclear Facilities Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-11 DOE Forwards Additional Information on the Process by which it Performs Change Control for Its Nuclear Explosive Operations at the Pantex Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-10 Board Requests Technical Background Information Related to Seismic Design and Engineering for new Construction Project at SRS Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-08-07 DOE Memorandum Announcing the Annual DNFSB Interface Workshop on October 8, 1998 for DOE Personnel to Exchange Information and to Share Experiences for Effectively Resolving Safety Issues Raised by the Board Letter PDF iconPDF