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2010-07-16 Hydrogen in Pipes and Ancillary Vessels (HPAV) Independent Review Team (HIRT) Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-02 DOE Letter Describing Current Actions Underway to Address Concerns Stated in a May 12, 2010 Board Letter Regarding HPAV Design and Implementation of Safety Criteria Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-07-02 DOE Letter Requesting a 45-Day Extension to Respond to the Board Letter on the Review of QA Aspects of HPAV Test Programs for the WTP Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-30 DOE Letter Containing the Project Execution Plan for K-Basin Sludge per the January 27, 2010 Letter from EM to the Board Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-30 DOE Letter Transmitting the Results of Analysis of the Structural Steel Design of Several Facilities at the WTP Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-25 DOE Letter Regarding Actions Taken to Address Deficiencies Found in Work Planning and Control at ORP as Described in the Board's Letter of March 12, 2010 Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-06-18 DOE Letter Transmitting Peer Review of Waste Treatment Plant Quantitative Risk Assessment of Hydrogen Events in Piping and Vessels Conducted through the DOE's Risk Assessment Technical Experts Working Group Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-05-17 DOE Letter Responding to the Board's January 6, 2010 Letter Addressing the WTP Pulse Jet Mixing Safety Issues Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-05-12 Preserving the Independence of the Independent Review Team Chartered by Bechtel International, Incorporated Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-05-05 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement Concerning Response to Quality Assurance and Safety Concerns at the Waste Treatment Plant, Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF