High-level waste

Highly radioactive waste material resulting from the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel, including liquid waste produced directly in reprocessing and any solid material derived from such liquid waste that contains fission products in sufficient concentrations; and other highly radioactive material that is determined, consistent with existing law, to require permanent isolation.

Correspondence, reports, and recommendations related to facilities and sites that process, manage or store high-level waste, including laboratories, waste storage and waste processing facilities as well as reviews of DOE programs and safety related directives addressing high-level waste operations.

Safety in Design, Operations, and Emergency Preparedness at the Y-12 National Security Complex

In Session I of this public meeting and hearing, the Board will receive testimony from the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and its contractor concerning the safety-related risks associated with continued operation of aging defense nuclear facilities at the Y–12 National Security Complex.