Aging facilities

Within the DOE complex, there are several aging defense nuclear facilities that are at or near the end of life. DOE continues to rely on these facilities to carry out national security or legacy waste cleanup missions.

Correspondence, reports, and recommendations related to aging defense nuclear facilities.

Closed Meeting, January 27, 2016

During the closed meeting the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Board) Members will discuss issues dealing with potential Board Recommendation( s) to the Secretary of Energy. The Board is invoking Exemption 3 to close the meeting (5 U.S.C. § 552b(c)(3) and (9)), 10 C.F.R. § 1704.4( c) and (h). The Board has determined that it is necessary to close the meeting to the public since conducting an open meeting is likely to disclose matters that are specifically exempted from disclosure by statute, and/or be likely to significantly frustrate implementation of a proposed agency action.