Public Business Meeting November 23, 2015


Meeting Dates
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Ave., NW
Suite 352
Washington, DC 20004
United States

Open Public Business Meeting November 23, 2015


Topics to be discussed:

  • Technical staff work plan activities and crosscutting issues
  • Technical staff work related to National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and Department of Energy Environmental Management (EM) programs.
  • Discussions concerning NNSA and EM program issues and priorities

The DNFSB Office of the Technical Director Fiscal Year 2016 Work Plan presentation at the public meeting is being posted for comment by interested parties.  Comments will be included in the meeting record.  If you have a comment, please send to by noon on November 23, 2015.



Public Hearing Transcript
Date Title Document
Public Meeting Transcript November 23, 2015 PDF iconPDF
Public Business Meeting November 23, 2015 PDF iconPDF