7016 West Grandbridge Boulevard, ,
Kennewick, WA 99352
United States
The open meeting portion of the proceeding has been postponed. The hearing portion will proceed as originally scheduled in accordance with the revised agenda. In this hearing, the Board will receive testimony from senior officials from the Department of Energy (DOE) Headquarters, from the Manager for DOE’s Office of River Protection (ORP), and from the Federal Project Director for the Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant (WTP) regarding the current status of DOE efforts to improve safety culture at WTP. The Board will consider several topics related to safety culture. DOE’s Office of Independent Enterprise Assessment will be given the opportunity to discuss the concerns identified in the WTP independent safety culture assessments. DOE’s Office of Environmental Management and ORP are expected to discuss actions to strengthen and sustain a healthy safety culture at WTP. Testimony will also address actions taken by DOE to assess the effectiveness of their improvements in safety culture and the tools being used to track future progress. The Board will also receive testimony from a senior Board technical staff employee concerning DOE’s efforts to improve safety culture at WTP. See the Federal Register Notice for how to request to be scheduled to speak during the public comment period.
Date | Title | Document |
Public Hearing -August 26, 2015 |