Public Meeting - October 28, 2019


Meeting Dates
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

625 Indiana Avenue NW - Room 7019
Washington DC, DC 20004
United States



The Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board will hold a public meeting to provide an opportunity for the Department of Energy and the National Nuclear Security Administration to brief the Board on their basis for rejecting Recommendation 2019-2 and the actions completed, underway, or planned to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety at the Savannah River Site.

Status: Open

Contact: Glenn Sklar, General Manager, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, 625 Indiana Avenue, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20004-2901, (800) 788-4016.  This is a toll-free number.


An archived version of this event is available on the DNFSB's official YouTube channel and can be found here: 




Federal Register Notices