Safety Culture, Emergency Preparedness, and Nuclear Explosive Operations at Pantex


Meeting Dates
Amarillo Civic Center

401 S. Buchanan Street
Amarillo,, TX 79101
United States

Matters To Be Considered: In Session I of this public meeting and
hearing, the Board will receive testimony from the National Nuclear
Security Administration (NNSA) and its contractor concerning the safety
culture at the Pantex Plant. Areas of inquiry will include
identification of shortfalls in the Pantex safety culture, potential
impacts that a flawed safety culture may have on nuclear explosives
operations, and management approaches to improving safety culture. The
Board will also examine the status of emergency preparedness at the
Pantex Plant. The Board will focus on plans and capabilities to respond
to a site emergency, demonstrated performance in drills and exercises,
and preparation for severe events resulting from natural phenomena,
such as the event that occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi complex.
During Session II, the Board will receive testimony concerning safety
at Pantex defense nuclear facilities. The Board will examine issues
related to nuclear explosive safety, fire protection systems, and
facility structures.

Public Hearing Transcript
Date Title Document
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