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2000-04-21 Board Response to Questions from Serious Texans Against Nuclear Dumping (STAND) Letter PDF iconPDF
2000-04-07 Board Accepts DOE Implementation Plan for Recommendation 99-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2000-03-27 DOE pit Storage Container Surveillance Program Plan, Commitment 5.3.1, Recommendaiton 99-1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2000-03-16 DOE Response to the Board's Letter Dated February 16, 2000, Requesting Additional Information or Clarification on Presentations and Material Submitted at the Board's Public Meeting Letter PDF iconPDF
2000-02-07 DOE Details on the Deliverables for Implementation Plan 98-2 Due During the Months of December and January Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-12-16 DOE Revisions on the Operations Requirements Project Plan for the W76 and W88 Disassembly and Inspection at the Pantex Plant in Response to Board Letter Dated November 22, 1999 Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-12-10 DOE Revised DOE-STD-3015-97, Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Process, in Completion of Sub-Recommendation 5 of Recommendation 98-2, DOE Proposes Closure of this Sub-Recomendation Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-12-06 Safe Handling of Insensitive High Explosive Weapon Subassemblies at the Pantex Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-12-06 DOE Orders 452.1B and 452.2B, the Nuclear Explosive Safety Study Group Implementation Guidance and a Letter Requesting Assistance in Recruiting a Senior Panel to Enhance the Quality of Nuclear Explosive Operation Review Process Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-11-04 DOE Deliverables Due for the Month of October for Recommendation 98-2 Letter PDF iconPDF