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2001-12-07 DOE Letter Enclosing Two Deliverables for Implementation Plan 98-2, Revision 1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-10-02 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for DOE to Provide a Briefing within 30 Days Containing Details on Procedural Compliance Issues at Pantex and the Corrective Actions Proposed by DOE Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-09-25 Board Concerns about the Justification for Continued Operations for W88 Activities and Accepts Interim Safety Controls Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-08-17 DOE Letter Regarding a new Anticipated Delivery Date to Develop a Replacement Schedule for the Pantex Plant Fire Alarm System Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-06-29 DOE Implementation Plan for Improved Technical Safety Requirement Controls for Fire Protection at the Pantex Plant as Closure of Commitment 4.3.1 Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-06-28 Board Issues Reporting Requirements for Two Reports within 30 and 60 Days, Respectively; the First Should Document a Technically Feasible Analysis of Scenarios Discussed and the Second Should Outline NNSA Corrective Measures for Weapons Response Data Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-04-20 DOE Letter Regarding the Board's Concerns about the Fire Response of Certain Canned Subassemblies (CSA) at Pantex Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-04-20 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated March 5, 2001 Regarding Concerns on Enhanced Transportation Cart (ETC) Relative to Recommendation 98-2 Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-03-30 DOE Provides Information on Commitments Due and Outstanding in Relation to Implementation Plan 98-2 and Proposing Closure of Commitments Indicated as Complete Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-03-11 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated February 27, 2001 on the Implementation of Seamless Safety for the 21st Century (SS-21) for the W76 and W88 Nuclear Explosive Operations at the Pantex Plant Letter PDF iconPDF