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2014-03-21 Board's Initial Assessment of Two Recent Events at the DOE's Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Carlsbad, New Mexico, the On-Going Response to Them, and Board's Perspectives on Actions Needed to Prevent or Minimize Similar Occurrences Letter PDF iconPDF
2014-03-12 Board Advises DOE to thoroughly Evaluate the Safety Controls and Contingency Plans Necessary to Maintain Confinement to Ensure Adequate Protection of the Workers and Public Letter PDF iconPDF
2012-09-27 DOE Response to Board Reporting Requirement of June 27, 2012, Concerning Safety Issues with the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Maintenance Program Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-12-21 DOE Response to Board June 24, 2011, Reporting Requirement Outlining Actions Taken or Planned Regarding the Fire Protection Program at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-01-20 DOE Response to the Board's October 22, 2010 Report Regarding Work Planning and Control at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
2010-12-21 Department Letter Providing Corrective Action Plan for the Electrical Safety Program at WIPP Letter PDF iconPDF
2007-08-06 DOE Response to Board Observations on the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Mobile Characterization Unit Generic Documented Safety Analysis Letter PDF iconPDF
2004-08-03 DOE Office of River Protection Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Low Activity Waste Structural Report Letter PDF iconPDF
2004-06-17 DOE Request for a 60-day Extension in Order to Fully Respond to the Issues in Your May 3, 2004, Letter on the Basis for Interim Operation (BIO) for the Mobile Waste Characterization and Loading Units Letter PDF iconPDF
1998-06-11 DOE Letter Regarding Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Letter PDF iconPDF