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2002-03-22 Request for Briefing on the Findings from the Vapor-Phase Corrosion Workshop of March 26 and 27, 2002 as Applicable to Recommendation 2001-1 Concerns Letter PDF iconPDF
2002-02-15 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for Report within 60 days Addressing Sealing Multi-Canister Overpacks into a Safety Condition Letter PDF iconPDF
2002-01-02 DOE Responding to Board Letter Dated October 2, 2001, Regarding the Integrated Safety Management System of the CH2M Hill Hanford Group Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-10-02 DOE Responds to Board Letter Dated August 14, 2001 Regarding the Incorporation of the Disposition Requirements of DOE Order 430.1A in Contracts at Hanford Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-08-30 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated August 29, 2000 Regarding Hanford River Protection Program High-Level Waste Tank Integrity Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-07-20 DOE Provides a Detailed Description of Richland Operations Office's Progress in Stabilizing and Packaging the Alloy Materials as Committed to in the DOE's 2000-1 Implementation Plan, Stabilization and Storage of Nuclear Material Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-04-10 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement to DOE for a Report within 60 Days on the Accident Dose Methodology Being Advanced for Use at the Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-03-05 Criticality Safety at Department of Energy Defense Nuclear Facilities Letter PDF iconPDF
2001-03-05 Safety review of the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel project During the Design and Construction Phase Letter PDF iconPDF
2000-12-28 DOE Removal of Spent Nuclear Fuel from the KW Basins at Hanford Site, Recommendations 94-1 and 2000-1 Letter PDF iconPDF