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2011-06-09 Board Addresses Concerns about Boreholes Near Tank C-105 at the Hanford Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-05-27 DOE Requests a 30 Day Extension for Report and Briefing for Board Reporting Requirement Issued in May 5, 2011, Letter Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-05-20 Board Finds that the February 10, 2011, DOE Response Rejects sub-Recommendations 3 and 4, and Hearby Reaffirms Recommendation 2010-2 in its Entirety Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-05-02 DOE Update to the Board on Two Quality Assurance Related Activities within DOE/EM: Suspect/Counterfeit and Quality Requirement Flow Down Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-22 DOE Response to February 28, 2011, Board Letter to the Secretary, Expressing Concerns about the Lack of Viable Disposition Paths for Fissile Materials and other DOE Excess Nuclear Materials Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-18 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated February 15, 2002, Regarding the Planned Multi-Canister Overpacks Welding at the Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-04-05 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Report within 60 Days Describing Approach for Spray Leak Analysis and an Outline of R&D Activities DOE will Perform to Reduce Uncertainties in this Analysis Approach at Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-02-25 DOE Letter Updating Activities to Address Issues Identified by the Board at the Hanford Tank Farms Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-02-25 WTP Structural and Equipment Peer Review Teams' Reports Letter PDF iconPDF
2011-02-16 Investigation of Safety and Health Concerns Described by Dr. Walter J. Tamosaitis Letter PDF iconPDF