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2009-04-28 DOE Congressional Certification Plan for Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-21 DOE Letter Responding to Board Staff Letters Dated March 4, 2009 and March 30, 2009, Regarding CMRR Board Certification. Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-21 DOE Letter Responding to Board Saff Letter Dated March 16, 2009, re: PDSA and Safety Strategy - Inadequate Identification of Safety-Related Controls, Functional Requirements, and Performance Criteria Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-04-07 Board Issues a 45-Day Reporting Requirement Concerning Immediate Actions/Compensatory Measures Taken, and a 60-Day Reporting Requirement for Plan of Action for Improving Safety Posture Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-03-30 Board Staff Request Under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, re: Design Data for the Los Alamos CMRR Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-03-16 Board Staff Request Under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, re: Design Topic Findings for the Los Alamos CMRR Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-03-10 DOE Interim Response to Board Letter Regarding Fire and Emergency Response Capabilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Dated December 8, 2008 Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-03-04 Board Staff Request Under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, re: Design Control for the Los Alamos CMRR Project Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-16 Board Staff Request under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Finding Title: Seismic Design of Active Confinement Ventilation System and Support Systems Letter PDF iconPDF
2009-01-16 Board Staff Request under the Certification Mandate Provided in Section 3112 of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2009, Finding Title: CMRR Seismic Design Issues Letter PDF iconPDF