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2009-04-02 DOE Letter Transmitting the Y-12 Continued Safe Operating Oversight Team Annual Report (Y/TIS-345) Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-07-29 DOE Response to Board Letter of February 6, 2008, Concerning the Need for a Safety-Significant Water Supply for the Highly Enriched Uranium Material Facility Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-05-15 DOE Overall Approach for the Selection of Accident Analysis Factors Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-04-02 DOE Transmittal of 9212 Continued Safe Operating Oversight Team Annual Report (Y/TIS-302) and The Uranium Processing Facility Project 2007 Annual Report for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-02-15 DOE Response to Board Letter of February 6, 2008, Regarding the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility Fire Suppression System Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-02-06 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Report and Briefing within 90 Days Describing NNSA's Plans for Improving Reliability of the Water Supply at the Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility at the Y-12 National Security Complex Letter PDF iconPDF
2008-01-17 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Briefing within 90 Days on NNSA's Plans to Clarify the Appropriate Use of Bounding Release Fractions for Accident Analyses at Y-12 and Plans for Applying this Methodology to Existing and Planned Facilities Letter PDF iconPDF
2007-09-14 Board Letter Regarding the Uranium-233 Downblending and Disposition Project in Building 3019 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory Letter PDF iconPDF
2007-08-09 Conceptual Design Activities at the Uranium Processing Facility, Y-12 National Security Complex Letter PDF iconPDF
2007-03-13 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a Report and Briefing within 6 Months for NNSA to Address Adequacy of the 9212 Complex to Support Safe Operations, with Annual Report and Briefing on UPF and 9212 Complex; Annual Report within 1 Year Letter PDF iconPDF