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2000-03-03 DOE Report on the Validation Study on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Fire Protection Department Baseline Need Letter PDF iconPDF
2000-02-09 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated November 2, 1999, on the Review of Ventilation Systems in Building 3019 Used for Safe Operations and Long Term Storage for Uranium-233 at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-12-22 DOE Response to Board Letter Dated November 2, 1999, Regarding Increasing oncerns on Building 9206 at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-12-13 DOE Compliance Evaluation and the Disposal Authorization for SWSA-6 Low-Level Waste Disposal in Tumulus I & II and IWMF at Oak Ridge Reservation in Completion of Commitments VII.B.5.b.1, 2, 3 Relative to 94-2 and Proposing Closure of Commitments Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-11-22 Board's Increasing Concern Regarding Two Problems that Threaten the Schedule for Stockpile Stewardship that Affects Operations at Pantex and Y-12, Oak Ridge Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-10-29 DOE Developments Relating to the Issues Raised on the Review of Chemical Hazards Assessments at the Y-12 Plant, Oak Ridge Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-10-28 DOE Plans to Review the Fire Department Staffing Needs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on November 15, 1999, and the Composition of the Team Performing the Review Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-06-30 DOE Oak Ridge National Laboratory Final Site Assessment Report for the 97-1 Implementation Plan Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-04-07 DOE Updated Listing of Safety-Related Systems and Their Y2K Status Letter PDF iconPDF
1999-03-12 Board Grants Closure of Recommendation 94-4 Letter PDF iconPDF