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2005-10-03 Board Views Responsibilities under Memorandum of Understanding Governing Regulation and Oversight of DOE Activities in Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Industrial Area Have Been Carried Out Letter PDF iconPDF
2005-06-10 Last Shipment of Transuranic (TRU) Waste from Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS) Letter PDF iconPDF
2004-10-01 DOE Status of Wet Combustible Transuranic Waste Shipments from the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Letter PDF iconPDF
2004-05-04 DOE Final Response to Board December 2, 2003, Letter Regarding the Glovebox Fire that Occurred in Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site on May 6, 2003 Letter PDF iconPDF
2004-02-03 DOE Interim Status on the Actions Taken in Response to Board Letter Dated December 2, 2003 Regarding the Glovebox Fire at Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2003-12-02 Board letter establishing a 60-day reporting requirement for a corrective action plan regarding the glovebox fire at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2003-10-10 DOE Commitments Relative to Gloveboxes at Rocky Flats Field Office Letter PDF iconPDF
2003-08-15 DOE Responds to Board Reporing Requirement Dated July 31, 2003 Regarding Glovebox Fire at Building 371 at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site Letter PDF iconPDF
2003-07-31 Board Issues a Reporting Requirement for a DOE Report within 15 Days on Remaining Glovebox Combustible Material at Rocky Flats Letter PDF iconPDF
2002-11-26 DOE Status Information on Two Board Recommendations as they Apply to Rocky Flats Letter PDF iconPDF