Board Activities


The Board's primary product are formal safety Recommendations that communicate the urgent need to address issues pertaining to worker and public safety at Defense Nuclear Facilities.  Recommendations are always sent as letters to the Secretary of Energy and may or may not include attachments or supplementary information, such as Technical Reports.

Hearings & Meetings

Hearings and Meetings include Public Hearings, Public Meetings, Closed Meetings, and Nonpublic Collaborative Discussions.

Board Calendar

The Board calendar shows upcoming activities of the Board.

Board Notational Votes

Notational votes are records of Board votes on policy matters.

Board Member Testimonies, Speeches, and Other Public Statements

This section contains written records of speeches, statements and testimony given by Board Members of the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board as well as copies of slideshow presentations given at conferences.  These include documents referred to as Testimonies, Speeches, Remarks, Statements, and Comments.